
The amount of data in the world is only increasing and the need for having data and content from different sources and services in the things we build, is only becoming more real. But the standards for accessing data – and the correct implementation of these standards – are not evolving at the same speed. Time and time again, we will face the task of connecting to a badly designed or underspecified API, setup synchronisation routines, write transformation functions from one data source to another, etc.

Integreat is an attempt at providing standards in a world of chaos, of taking the most cumbersome parts out of data integration, and enabling code reuse and sharing across projects, teams, and companies. The intention is not to compete with massive enterprise integration solutions, but rather to solve common problems for the JavaScript/TypeScript community in particular.

The core engine of Integreat is rather simple, but empowered with a standard interface for writing transformers and transporters, it enables the growth of an ecosystem that over time may grow and have ready solutions for connecting to most known APIs and services – at least within modern web development.

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